Making history the second world war best graphic options
Making history the second world war best graphic options

making history the second world war best graphic options

The population of the planet has been reduced to that of the Dark Ages. The destroyed atmosphere means that cancer and cataracts are widespread. The film doesn't end here though, it continues decades into the future where a nuclear winter has all but destroyed humans ability to plant and grow food. One of the story threads follows a government official who attempts to maintain his chapter of regional governance, following the protocols of the British government - but it's futile gesture and his attempts at order are quickly overcome by so much desperate need. Widespread radiation sickness and disease. Those not hit by the bombs suffer the most, they are stuck living in the aftermath of a society ground to a complete halt, food and fuel supply chains permanently ended. Some on the outer edge of the blast suffer immense radiation burns and sickness, not consumed by fire, but covered in third degree burns, unable to move from their destroyed homes, left to die. Many of the characters are obliterated immediately. This is the happy, cheerful part of the film, because then the bombs start falling. And when the center collapses, it collapses very quickly, indeed.

making history the second world war best graphic options

First, they are simply living their lives - work, love, family squabbles - in the background, news reports discuss escalating tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union.Īnd then, very very quickly, panic starts to hit.

making history the second world war best graphic options

#Making history the second world war best graphic options series#

This BBC film from the United Kingdom is a live-action film following a series of families in a declining mid-sized town in the midlands.

Making history the second world war best graphic options